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September 24, 2022


Writing a GOTV Script


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You may be wondering why this week’s newsletter is focused on GOTV scripts. In the past, campaigns would leave GOTV phone banking to the final 5 days of the general election date, with Election Eve left for automated robocall messages reminding people to GO VOTE!

With Covid and the changing political landscape (read: the GOP attack on voter access), GOTV is no longer the last piece of a campaign. It’s important to be thoughtful and early about the GOTV strategy, including early and in-person voting and mail-in ballots.

  1. Give love to all the important dates

In the past, GOTV calls focused on polling hours, location, and the election date. Now, it’s important to communicate empathy and human connection.

Have an informative script prepared, but allow your agents to ask how the voters are doing, too, and if your campaign can help in any way.

GOTV calls now need to start earlier and cover more dates and deadlines, ways to vote, and must keep up with the changing requirements in each state.

The voter registration deadline, the early voting period, the deadline to request an absentee ballot, and the postmark deadline for those ballots are just as important (if not more important) than Election Day itself. 

Phone bank around each of these dates, and emphasize that voting is a process, not a one-time action.

  1. Educate

We all know to ask voters how they plan to vote. The benefits are still really great to help the voter imagine the specifics of their voting process.

Since the election process is more complex this year, develop a strategic touchpoint that corresponds with every interaction. Follow up every GOTV call with a mail chase, an emailed video tutorial, or a link to a page on your campaign website with details and specifics. Extra credit for a step-by-step infographic.

  1. Tap Into Personal Motivation to Compel Action

People want their beliefs to be consistent with their values. The persuasive principle of commitment declares that humans have a deep need to be seen as consistent. As such, once we’ve publicly committed to something or someone, we’re much more likely to go through and deliver on that commitment. Having a voter commit to a plan to vote based on what values they are voting on will encourage follow-through on action.

  1. It’s not enough to vote anymore. Ensure votes are counted.

Follow up and offer resources to help voters protect their vote, like the nonpartisan Election Protection Hotline at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.

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